Exact Approximations

Monday, July 23, 2007

So Today I Went to This Interview...

... and I met a few attorneys at BigLaw. Most of these meetings went extremely well. But one thing has me very concerned. One of the Partners I met kept asking and talking (more so the talking) about Old Boss. Basically, he hates Old Boss. No surprise. Most defense attorneys hate Old Boss. But he went on and on about it, gossiping about Old Boss. It made me uncomfortable. He asked me direct questions about how I felt about Old Boss. I tried to be kind and evasive:

Lex: "Old Boss is a smart man; a great attorney. He's really nice, but we did have professional differences.He'svery hands-on, which works for him, but I knew I would see little opportunity for development."

Interviewer: More bad things about Old Boss.

Lex: More uncomfortable. Tried to change the conversation a few times, but inevitably it landed in the same spot.

I dunno what to think. I will admit that I laughed at a couple of good burns that he directed at Old Boss. But what was the motivation? Was I being tested to see if I'm gossipy? Was Interviewer feeling me out to determine why I want to do defense after doing plaintiffs work for so long? Did he want to ensure I don't like Old Boss? Was he searching for a vendetta that might drive me? A vendetta that demonstrates unprofessional levels of emotion? Was he simply venting? Was my inability to stop said vent my undoing? I have no idea. It's strange.

Lets hope tomorrow's interview goes smoother. I know an attorney at this firm and told him that I interviewed somewhere else - so, if they really want me, they better get on the ball. Partner called me the next day, told me they needed someone with my experience, and scheduled me for an all-day, meet-everyone, free-lunch, interview. Sweet.

Wish me luck.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Return of Sadie Grey: Part IV

She's back! Again.

Many times Sadie has up and left me with no forewarning (this week marks her fourth return). Seems she's always leaving my heart in shattered little pieces for her snakes to eat. I told her I would never let her break my heart again, but when she came back, I couldn't say no.

So go see her and tell her to stop abandoning me. If she doesn't stay this time, I'm finished. I'll let her be gone for good. Well, maybe. Probably not. But I'm going to try sticking to tough love from here on out.

Until then, go see what Sadie is up to.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Hello all!

Have an interview at BigLaw Friday. I'm excited, but nervous. I want this job so frickin' bad!!!

Anyhow, I want to go on Stalker Status with some of the partners I'm meeting with. In an ideal world, I would like to read some of their recent cases. I want to WestLaw/ LameLexis them, but have no access...

Which brings me to my request:

- Anybody know how to find cases (by searching the attorney) online, for free?

- Anybody ballsy enough to do a search for me and pass along some cases?

Any and all help would be appreciated. Email me at exactapproximations@gmail.com if you can help or are kind enough to throw me a pep-speech.

Wish me luck!!!

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Turkelton's Words of Wisdom

"Can't talk now, good things happenin" - Chris Turk


Surgery was approved. I go under the knife to get my womanhood removed. Probably on the 23d or 24th.

BigLaw called. I'm scheduled to meet with a buncha partners and associates next week. Biggest concern BigLaw has is a lack of experience. I haven't done many depositions and the Old Boss never let me do oral argument. Any advice on how to handle this hurdle is greatly appreciated. Especially those of you at BigLaw. Anything you've got on what BigLaw wants to hear/ see/ anything would be a big help.

Got some food stamps. Sweet. Now we can eat. Yee-haw!

Mom is still here. That's always a good thing. Mommys help. Good ones do.

Daughter came home yesterday!!! I almost cried I was so happy to see her. She was gone for five weeks. Longest we've ever been separated.

Step-Son is coming today!!!! I haven't seen him since April. When both of the kids are here, I'm the happiest I can be. Today and tomorrow are going to be awesome.

I really want to thank all of you who are still reading and left kind words of support. That really did me good. It's amazing how people you don't even really know can be there for you. That's been the best part of the blogosphere. I'm interested in those who commented. Long time lurkers I've never heard of.

"Make Mine a Triple": I inserted lots of fun obscenities. That was a great exercise in making fun of Old Boss. You'll be on the blogroll soon.

Busto: Here's to taking it to the next level. We exchanged "real names" recently. I have a MySpace under my real name if you want to be my friend.

Sarah: Word on the vacation. I've had a ton of time off of work, but none of it for fun. I really want to go to Disneyland. Or Africa. That would be awesome.

Nony "This to Shall Pass": You're right. I"m finally starting to see that things have to get better. Now I'm wondering where you went to school and if I know you. I'm a Boaltie - graduated in Spring 2005. If you did too, or went to my school, email me your name. I want to look you up in the facebook. Please keep lurking - I'm an attention whore.

Special thanks out to Sadie and Uncle Reptile. I know I stayed in my room, but it helped knowing you guys were there and care so much.

To the family: I don't think I'll be ready to talk about all this until after surgery when I can see the light. I love you all and hope you understand my contact delay.

"Sometimes I watch Roots to remind myself how good I have it." - Chris Turk.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Not to Be Anti-Immigrant / Rascist...

...But I'm about to look like it anyway.

Went by the bus stop today. Nothing but pregnant Hispanic chicks. And their crying babies.

Went to the welfare office today. Nothing but pregnant Hispanic chicks. And their crying babies.

Went to the free women's health clinic today. Nothing but pregnant Hispanic chicks. And their crying babies.

So, all in all, I spent the day with a bunch of pregnant Hispanic chicks. And their crying babies.

On the opposite end of the spectrum - there was not one Hispanic anything chick in the Psychiatric Hospital. Or their crying babies. All white folk.

What does it all mean?

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Es Weird

Blogger is only letting me put titles in on Edit Html mode. Not cool, I'm no html girl. Unfortunately.

BigLaw called today. I made it past Stage One and will be going in for a second interview. Is nice.

More importantly, I discovered Joshua Radin. I might be at the late show on this one. I care not.

Tomorrow morning, I'm off to the welfare office to try to score some food stamps. Then I go to the county hospital's "Women's Health Clinic" to see about a surgery. All around good times.

Law degree so paying off.

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Hmmm... it won't let me put in a title... WTF?

Sorry for the long absence... i haven't exactly been inspired.

I lost my job in May. I was hospitalized and The Boss fired me for being sick. About a year ago, when he fired Bitchy Paralegal for being sick, I told The Boss we needed to research and make sure he wasn't violating FMLA or the ADA. Armed with the knowledge that he doesn't have enough employees to be liable - I got shit-canned. One week later, word came that Bitchy Paralegal died. She was young.

Anyhow, on top of that, looks like I need another surgery. This should be the last one, a hysterectomy. I dreamt last night that I had a baby - a little girl. She was beautiful. That will never happen now.

I spent July 4th in a Psychiatric Hospital. Dude, people in there are fucking crazy. I never felt so sane in my life, even though I was in there with them. Long story short, short-sighted Lex was considering euthanizing herself. Honestly my friends, I don't know how much longer I can handle being sick. Life just isn't life like this.

So I scared the shit out of everyone and embarrassed myself severely. I'm a wreck. My mind is a disaster and I can't stay out of it. Fiance' has done everything - he loves me so much - but I suppose that's his misfortune. Right now anyhow. My mom also flew in and I got to lay my head in her chest and cry and cry for the first time in years.

I interviewed with BigLaw last week. We shall see.

I'll try to post more often. I'm back only because my grandmother, the Grand Republican Matriarch, told me she thinks I should keep writing. She's probably right, it does help.

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