The Art of Titling Inter-Office Legal Memos
I am writing a memo on a pre-trial issue for The Boss. We have hearing Monday to hammer out some issues before trial starts Tuesday. All day, I've been reading cases 1L Legal Research and Writing style. Boooooorrrrrrring.
I'm trying to figure out what to write in the "RE:" line.
Some titles I have tried:
"RE: Why We are Going to Lose This Issue and Were Stupid to File the Motion in the First Place."
But then I realized that's not true, thats just initial unfamiliarity with applicable law talking. Along with persuasive writing in defense counsel's response. I realized quickly that we have great arguments. Scratch that...
"RE: This Memo is Late Because... I'm a Blogger!!!"
But then I realized he would can my ass. His initial reaction would be worth about $10,000 to me, but we all know this blog is only worth a bit over $5,000.
"RE: Stupid HR Forgot to Add Me to the Dental Plan and Now I am Excluded for 18 Months."
Opening sentence: "Winning this motion is in the can, now go out and buy me a dental plan." But then I realized this has nothing to do with the memo, and arguably should be its own memo. And it will be. After trial. Although the rhyme would have been a nice, friendly opening.
"RE: Give me a God Damned Raise."
Same problem as above, although still the current title.
I was discussing blogging with a friend today and mentioned I "know" somebody down in the AZ heat. I'm supposed to find out if you know any place where there would be law jobs because she's looking for some.
Arbusto, at 10:39 PM
You're friends with someone who wants to move to AZ? Idiot, Dang!!
Anyhow, check the mail I sent to your party booking address. It contains vast amounts of my deep insight
Lex Fori, at 10:19 AM
My first party booked! Thanks for the info, I'll pass it along!
And you don't have to be invited to HNT. You can just join.
Arbusto, at 10:23 AM
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