I guess all his money, well it isn't enough.*
The Boss: "I need that case that says "XY and Z"
Lex: Five minutes later. "Here, I found three cases that say X, Y and Z."
The Boss: "No, no.... I'm looking for that one case... it would be in the MedMal treatise in my office....
Lex: Runs and grabs MedMal treatise. "I don't see it. But really, this case has the same proposition you're looking for." Read him the proposition he's looking for.
The Boss: "Hmm... well, maybe it's in MedMal Treatise #2..." It wasn't. "I think it's called So and So v. What and What."
Lex:: "I have that case too, this one is more specific to medical malpractice though..."
The Boss: "That's ok, I'm going to go with this one."
Why is it that practitioner's get so caught up in a thought that they can't see past it? The Boss asked me to find a case that was pretty basic, and I found supportive case law in less than five minutes. But he had his heart set on a specific case. One that I felt was not as close on-point or clear. But he didn't even want to hear what I found. What gives?
Today, I want a new job. I am tired of being treated like an idiot when I'm not. I'm just... not. I'm a lemon, that much is true. But I am nowhere near as stupid as The Boss treats me. I mean, really, I could get treated like shit and made to feel like a short-bus kid at BigLaw. At least there, you get 75k to to have them treat you like you scored under 160 on the LSAT.
*Bonus points for whoever knows what song the title comes from.... (No Google-Fu!!)
Uhhh, seems to easy, but Offspring?
So, maybe I've seen too many lawyer movies, but don't you have to claw your way to the top? ;)
He's probley just set in the way he does things, and he's got something to show for it (a decent firm) right?
Don't get me wrong Lex...I'm on your side!!!!
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM
BooYa. Bonus points to My Banker for the title. You would have garnered extra bonus points had you gone off about how friggin good my enchildas were last night. Just sayin'....
Yes, clawing your way to the top is the way of things. It's just that the bottom, in Law-Land, is usually much higher than where I started.
I made a trade off to do "good guy" work... I didn't want to work for a defense firm and represent asshole insurance companies. But on days like today, it doesn't seem so bad.
He does have a lot to show for his way of things. But, man-o-man, it gets on my last nerve some days. Especially Mondays. Especially this Monday.
Lex Fori, at 1:50 PM
Yeah, offspring. Stupid banker, just cause she got there first does that mean I dont get bonus points?/bf
Anonymous, at 6:55 PM
So he's not pretty fly for a white guy?
Arbusto, at 9:07 AM
Actually, he is pretty fly for a white guy. He's got the whole Richard Gere in Chicago thing going on. He's pretty hot for an older guy. Recently, he was voted one of the 5 Best Dressed Men in Phoenix. Although, I don't know how much that says.
Lex Fori, at 11:31 AM
You get bonus points for yesterday. For finding me the Death Cab for Cutie Discography, and, you know, that other thing.
But not for the song title. Banker beat you to it, fair and square.
Forever, My Love. Even in death.
Lex Fori, at 1:54 PM
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