Mind of Mine See Ya'
Resurrection of Sadie Grey. Once you go blog, you can't go back.
[EDIT] ***This post has been amended to acknowledge the fact that the ADD post was originally Sadie's idea. I claim no memory of reading such a post on her blog. If true, it must have been subconscious. Sadie deleted her old posts so she can't prove any of this anyhow.***
I went to a courthouse today. I walked through the x-ray machine and immediately turned my back to the security guard, stuck out my arms and waited to be wanded. Security Officer: "obviously someone's done this before." That made me feel good. I'm in the "rules of courthouse security" club. I may not be an attorney, but I've got the "no shanks in the house of the law" law down.
I have a headache. I didn't have coffee today. Therefore, I have a headache because I didn't have coffee today. Southern Canadian must resist the urge to explain the logical fallacy of this statement.
Boalt Hall's graduating 3Ls were supposed to have Howard Dean as their keynote speaker. Apparently he bowed out after the UC workers union decided to picket graduation. Dee-dee-dee. So many Boalties are committed to labor and employment law issues. I did the WRC, I spent a semester at the employment law center, I didn't cross the lines when you protested during the first month of classes during my first semester of law school. Ok, I probably wouldn't have gone that day anyhow, but it seems counter-intuitive to protest the celebration of a group of students that largely supports your cause. I wonder what CECU, the union man, makes of this.
I wore this same shirt yesterday. There's no deodorant or sweat marks or stains or anything. So I'll probably wear this same shirt tomorrow.
Boyfriend just called to tell me Cat killed a bird. I wish the bird won and Boyfriend was calling to tell me the bird was laying on top of Cat, nibbling at its innards. If Daughter didn't love Cat, Cat would be at the Cat-Pound.
I really did not want to come to work today. I wanted to sit at home and drink vodka-cranberries with Boyfriend and pretend like it was a Friday night. My drinking has elevated from once every month or two to once every week or two. Drinking makes my stomach hurt less. I realize this is not the ideal way to deal with a health issue.
BarBri is going to make me (well, The Boss) pay (well, it's refundable) $600 to lease an I-Pod for the self-study program. I can't add any data and if I attempt to copy any, the I-Pod self-destructs in 11 seconds. I have no desire to see M:I:3. But if Arbusto writes a review, I'll probably read it.
I hope I never go bald. Or senile. I don't want to be one of those old people who walks around stuttering and mumbling shit that makes no sense. If I'm still sane enough, I'll take all my old-people pills before I get that crazy. Then I'll be cryogenically frozen Ted Williams style so I can come back in 300 years. I wonder whether 2300s humans would be attracted to 2000s humans? Or would I look kinda weird and dirty, like people from the 1700s kinda look to me?
Front Secretary wrote a letter to her healthy father. She told him what she wants to happen if she dies, and asked what he wants to happen if he dies. I called her morbid. I read the obituaries from Smalltown, Missouri at least once a week. I never talk to my family there, but this is the only way I'll ever find out when they die. I used to read local obituaries all the time, but they stopped publishing the cause of death in the late 90's. So much for informal death statistics.
I mentioned Smalltown, Missouri to Daughter recently. She asked if we would ever visit. Look of uncertainty crossed my face "I just don't know sweetie, it's... different there." Daughter, very matter-of-factly, responded "Oh. Is it a red-state? More than here?"
I wish Sadie would make Veggie-Kabobs again. Those were bomb.
I read over at Pettifoggery that during a SupCrt argument regarding the right to choose one's counsel, Scalia said "I don't want a 'competent' lawyer. I want a lawyer to get me off. I want a lawyer to invent the Twinkie defense. I want to win." Read Pettigfogger's whole story. We all hate Scalia. But this is classic.
IT guy called. I need him to make a WAV file play. I opened it on g-spot to find what codec I needed, and then couldn't find the codec online. I worked all of this information into the conversation in order to appear smart to IT guy. Backfired. Given my history with computer geeks, I know that this was a surefire way to make my ineptitude apparent. I already went through the exact same exchange with Boyfriend over the exact same codec issue and looked dumb in front of him too. I lose good sense around techies and become a babbling 14 year old. Next time, I will impress him by needlessly throwing Latin terms into conversation.
I made coffee. It's 3:28p.m. It's so good.
Was so going to give you &!&@ for stealing my ADD stylings, but then realized I deleted that, so fair game. :)
yay...I will make veggie kab. this weekend, all you have to do is give props and I'll make them till you can't stand the sight of sticks.
Shame on you for saying mean things about kitty mow. I hope she licks up all your vodka! :)
Peace out whino.
Anonymous, at 3:52 PM
Since you asked,...don't cross the picket line! Picket lines, and protest have been on the decline in the past couple of decades! However, I think they are about to make a big comeback! We are all one human family, dysfunctional as we may be, and we need to make the family unit tighter!
Too many people have felt that they could do better than their unionized brothers and sisters, that they went out on their own, without any negotiating skills, and proceeded to lower the value of work in this country. Corps hire lawyers who understand negoitating, I don't need to explain that here! And they basically know how to make loners work for less than the unionized workers, because the union has a negotiating team.
An injury to one of us, is an injury to all. Unfortunately, most people today, have been spoon fed that they are great, yet, the only reason they pass high school has been due to social promotion. Unfortunately, these are the individuals who break away, causing the weakening of the unions, which were set up to support those dummies.
From the other side of the negotiating table, yes, I run my own business now with the help of CECA. However, I am always figuring out ways to make things fair and balanced, unlike the F-word network!
by the way....calling me may be dangerous to your data file at the NSA :)
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 4:24 PM
I have no intention of seeing MI:3. I have a friend who saw it and said it's a slightly better version of MI:2. I hated MI:2. It was not Mission impossible but a poorly done action movie. I wanted stealth and spying. Not explosions.
I dislike Tom Cruise.
Arbusto, at 4:31 PM
Sadie: Really? You better be serio, I will be a sad Lex-a-Saurus-Rex come Sunday if I have no sticks to say "whaaaaaaa" and play ninja with.
Arbusto: You love Tom Cruise. You're really, really gay.
CECU - I know, I heard about the NSA... unfortunately, these days, there's just nothing interesting or borderline criminal happening on my end of life.
As for the union stuff, I totally agree in the strength and importance of unions, particularly from a historical standpoint, when you see how powerful they once were to the rights of laborers. I hope you're right about a resurrection.
My question though is - why target a group of students who support the cause? What is the positive value of, essentially, crashing the liberal lawyer nest fest? A lot of these people graduating worked closely with the worker's union, circulated petitions, honored picket lines, blah blah blah. How does it help the union's cause to ruin the pomp and circumstance that these law students have been working towards for three years. I can understand picketing around classes. I can understand striking and watching the campus get screwed up, dirty, no-one gets fed and the administrative nightmares that follow. But why, why, why - crash the symbolic celebration of a group who largely supports your cause. Why not picket the business school? Specially when you're running off H. Dean. We all know how much crazy fun that guy can be...
Lex Fori, at 4:47 PM
If I had not imbibed copious amounts of coffee at three separate points today, I would also have a headache. Therefore, in light of my addiction, your premises and conclusion make complete sense.
SouthernCanadian, at 6:08 PM
Even in my really gayness I don't like Tom Cruise. He's not attractive and half my height. I'm the woman, the man must be taller!
Arbusto, at 6:12 PM
Thats what you get for trying to impress another guy...filanderer.
Anonymous, at 6:39 PM
OK, I will spell it out for you. I am surprised at you after yesterday's post!
Most of the law students will get flipped like EF, and work against workers after graduation! I bet most of those protesting, don't have a college degree...or...
Being that it is BeZerkley, they just can't help but protest anything! To some of the hardcore Berkeley protesters, it is not about issues or individuals, but, just the protest! It gives them something to do besides live under the overpass!
It is the same as the story about the frog and the scorpion! Have you heard that one?
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 9:15 PM
Man, you just cannot win a spelling test with me.
Love you.
Lex Fori, at 10:21 AM
Dean didn't cross the picket line :)
Here is the article.
Hope this helps!
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 8:14 AM
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