Funk full foul stinky it's stanky stuff.
The Boss called me into his office to discuss upcoming assignments. I smelled something weird. I wasn't sure if there was maybe some sort of fire, someone eating foreign barbeque, or some special cigars that commenting upon might get me one of.
Lex: "What's that smell?"
The Boss: "What smell?"
Lex: In too deep. "I don't know, something smells... different. Are you wearing cologne?"
The Boss: "No."
Lex: "Ok, well..." Gunning for a good save. "I'm gonna let you take all this as a compliment and save myself an apology."
The Boss: "Very well."
Hey, so how's the bar? Heard anything more? Do I have to call you Esquire? Lexsquire for short.
Arbusto, at 3:33 PM
Funny you asked, The Boss asked me the same thing today. I asked him what smelled funny.
As of yet, I have no answer. I don't find out for another week-ish. Don't worry though, my self-pity will be proudly displayed for all to console when my name is not on that list. It gives me anxiety just thinking about it.
Lex Fori, at 3:35 PM
Lex, I think you owe me a fancy dinner at Taco Bell! The turnout yesterday was huge!
I win I win I win I win I win
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 4:46 PM you still work there?
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 7:25 PM
What the f man! You call yourself a blogger? Blog man, blog!!!
Anonymous, at 2:45 PM
Hey - former bloggers don't get to cast stones.
Lex Fori, at 8:18 PM
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