Exact Approximations

Monday, November 28, 2005

Today, I Hate Politicians.

Like, more than usual.

Georgie-Porgie is coming to town today. He is here to raise money for the re-election of Jon Kyl (us haters in Arizona lovingly refer to him as "Jonky"). Rhyme-pun absolutely intended. He is a total ass and was at the forefront of support back when America was getting sold a line of Iraq-crap. Anyhow, W's appearance has closed down main arteries of our streetways, creating ucky traffic. This is on top of the ucky-traffic allready existing due to the day-after drive frenzy. It took me 2 hours to get the 25 miles to work today. And getting out of traffic was one of the only huge pros of not working in San Francisco. I blame Jonky and W for all of this.

Even the Supreme Court is falling apart. Literally.
Maybe the next block will clock Scalia.


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