Back At Work - Daydreaming of Big Ole' Jet Airliners.
First day back at work. I went to Surgeon for a follow-up this morning. She said all looks well. I had endometriosis - something about cells being where they shouldn't. The problem may recur throughout my life, but that just means surgery every few years... which may be the closest thing to a vacation I'm going to get in the legal field for at least 20 years (see below). If it takes disability to get the good assignments and time off... Lex says bring it.
The Boss is out of the office for the rest of the week. He was invited to fly off on a politician's private jet. I asked Office Manager how long The Boss was working before this kinda stuff started happening. Twenty years. Nineteen and 3/4 years left for Ms. Fori before jet invitations come rolling in. Fair enough.
The on pain medication memo went over well. The Boss sent me a 4 word email after receiving it. "Lex: good job. Thanks." Apparently, he also ran the problem by an 'of counsel' attorney we work with. She came up with the same information that I did, which made me feel a million times better. Save for the part where it took her twenty minutes compared to my 5 hours. I spent the first half-hour scouring WestLaw with nothing coming up and feared I would have to send him a "no answer" memo. Those memos are the absolute worst. Almost as bad as "sorry, your legal theory is against all authority and considered retarded by most circuits" memo. I had to write one of those in a past job and got a super-terse "See Me" email followed by a super-uncomfortable "If I convince my law clerk I am right, maybe the law will magically change" conversation.
As to CECU's questions regarding the legalities involved in The Boss handing off assignments while at home, I have no idea what the law actually is here. But I am more than happy to offer groundless conjecture. First, even if I had a relapse, I think that my prior history would make it very difficult to prove that the home assignment caused any increased severity of my illness. I think this would be one of those "who can give me money since I am too sick to make it myself" fishing expeditions, and any jury or Worker's Comp Administrative Law Judge would see that stat. Also, he put it in very "if you think you can" type terms. I am certain that had I told him I was physically incapable of working and it was directly against doctor's orders, he would have backed off and not ever mentioned it again. Certainly he would keep it in mind when my review and renegotiation came up, but it would never receive voice. Honestly, I am so grateful that he didn't fire me for all of this (I'm pretty sure I haven't been employed long enough for protective statutes to protect my ailing ass), that I was more than happy to do some relatively straightforward work from home.
Thank you so much to everyone who offered supportive comments and telephone calls. It's not flowers you cheap bastards, but it sure helps
The Boss is out of the office for the rest of the week. He was invited to fly off on a politician's private jet. I asked Office Manager how long The Boss was working before this kinda stuff started happening. Twenty years. Nineteen and 3/4 years left for Ms. Fori before jet invitations come rolling in. Fair enough.
The on pain medication memo went over well. The Boss sent me a 4 word email after receiving it. "Lex: good job. Thanks." Apparently, he also ran the problem by an 'of counsel' attorney we work with. She came up with the same information that I did, which made me feel a million times better. Save for the part where it took her twenty minutes compared to my 5 hours. I spent the first half-hour scouring WestLaw with nothing coming up and feared I would have to send him a "no answer" memo. Those memos are the absolute worst. Almost as bad as "sorry, your legal theory is against all authority and considered retarded by most circuits" memo. I had to write one of those in a past job and got a super-terse "See Me" email followed by a super-uncomfortable "If I convince my law clerk I am right, maybe the law will magically change" conversation.
As to CECU's questions regarding the legalities involved in The Boss handing off assignments while at home, I have no idea what the law actually is here. But I am more than happy to offer groundless conjecture. First, even if I had a relapse, I think that my prior history would make it very difficult to prove that the home assignment caused any increased severity of my illness. I think this would be one of those "who can give me money since I am too sick to make it myself" fishing expeditions, and any jury or Worker's Comp Administrative Law Judge would see that stat. Also, he put it in very "if you think you can" type terms. I am certain that had I told him I was physically incapable of working and it was directly against doctor's orders, he would have backed off and not ever mentioned it again. Certainly he would keep it in mind when my review and renegotiation came up, but it would never receive voice. Honestly, I am so grateful that he didn't fire me for all of this (I'm pretty sure I haven't been employed long enough for protective statutes to protect my ailing ass), that I was more than happy to do some relatively straightforward work from home.
Thank you so much to everyone who offered supportive comments and telephone calls. It's not flowers you cheap bastards, but it sure helps
What? You mean you didn't get the candy we sent? Lady Gadiva must have just ridden off into the sunset on her famous horse with your chocolates! Make sure that roommate didn't take it and double down at the blackjack table! (wink)
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 2:51 PM
And now that the boss is away, doesn't mean you can start screwing around and play on the computer...get back to work!
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 2:52 PM
Psht. Sure it does. All I am hearing all day is "don't push yourself too hard" "you can take off if you're feeling tired, The Boss is gone anyhow" or "don't worry if you're not feeling productive, it takes time to recover." The supportive atmosphere is beginning to make me feel like a pitied, diseased leper about to keel over. But it is sweet of them and a total relief.
Besides, I'll be here until late tonight. I have to do a ton of witness interviews with folk who work longer hours than lawyers - so catching them at home mimicks the time frame required to keep up with the latest infomercials!
I bet it was Cousin J who stole the chocolates. That bastard doesn't pay all of his rent, help out with toiletries or acknowledge that he is totally screwing me over. But I am convinced it is b/c Uncle Firefighter bailed him out one too many times and he now has a silver spoon permanently attached where his tongue should be. Just a working theory.
Lex Fori, at 3:30 PM
Checked on the chocolates....Don't go too hard on Cuz...they never arrived...I will have to call you on the phone to explain. Looking forward to talking this weekend :)
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 4:49 AM
I tried to Google-Fu Nzehiut. I got not even one search result. Translation?
Lex Fori, at 10:00 AM
Hi Lex:
nzehiut looks like the letters on the word-verification option. My word was liycsh.
If you visit my site, please go easy on my traslation (from Spanish to english)
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM
Luke wins the prize! I figured that I would start adding that at the end of all of my comments for awhile, to see if there just might be a pattern...I will check in about a month.
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 9:18 PM
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