Exact Approximations

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Living it up Cleaver Style

For the first time since we moved in together, someone in my relationship is sleeping on the couch.

It all started night before last when I just could not stay asleep. I kept waking up, in mid-dream, half-lucid... and Boyfriend was in snores. Now, this usually isn't such a big deal, just roll him over and all is well. But it didn't work. My theory is that Boyfriend might have a little bug, because he's been kinda congested. Anyhow, when the rollover didn't work, I went out to the couch and set up shop.

Last night, in a pre-emptive strike, Boyfriend announced that he would be sleeping on the couch because I "need a good night's sleep." With that commandment issued, he laid in bed, petting me till I fell asleep and then went out to the couch. I went out in the middle of the night and kissed his forehead and told him I missed him. But I didn't wake him up and bring him back to bed. I really did need some sleep.

I don't like this at all. Boyfriend must decongest, or get some of those strips, or I need to invest in a good set of ear plugs. I really, really hate not having him to cuddle up with at night =(

The whole episode reminded me of this theory my Ex had about sleeping on the couch. He out and out refused to do it. If we had a big fight, and I demanded he go to the couch because I could not stand his presence, he would tell me to fuck off, that it was his bed, and he wasn't going to leave it. Resultantly, even if I was totally in the right (which I always was), I was the one who ended up in the doghouse. That is one of the few life-strategies of the Ex's that I ever really respected.


  • Thats so sweet love, when you came out to the couch was I snoring? I only ask because I woke myself up a couple of times because I was snoring so loud.:)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:52 PM  

  • Yeah, you were....

    But it was a cute snore


    By Blogger Lex Fori, at 2:55 PM  

  • Yes, I snore! Rather loudly too! However, CECA will gently wake me, I apologize (sometimes I don't even remember) rollover and continue sleeping.

    She doens't mind the snoring in bed. What bugs her is when we are in the living room watching TV and I fall asleep and start snoring! When she can't hear the TV due to my snoring, then she yells at me to wake up.

    I have been known to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere! At the movies, in class, the opera. Watching Son's school play (the X hated me for that) Sleeping while driving is the worst! I never stay asleep long while driving! Basic fear and adrenaline kick in and I become totally alert after one of those episodes!

    CECA loves me anyway. Her point is that she would rather hear the snoring and know that I am there, than to not hear the snoring and know that I am not there!

    By Blogger Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 4:00 AM  

  • My parents kicked off the pre-college tours by taking me (and dragging my little brothers along) to their alma mater. Once there, we all endured a very boring lecture session by one of the biology professors (at the time, I was planning on pre-med with a music minor). To the great mortification of my mother, my brother TheGoodOne fell asleep mid-lecture and caught everyone's attention when he began to snore.

    By Blogger SouthernCanadian, at 6:39 AM  

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