The One With Lex's Frappucino.
Small office. Five people working here at this point. All of which, besides The Boss, I am beginning to feel semi-friendship related feelings toward. At least in so far as I would totally spill to Office Manager, Paralegal and Front Secretary if I ever engaged in behavior demonstrating moral turptitude or just plain bad taste. For instance, I shared The One with Lex's Generosity, laying out how I had, as Ann so eloquently put it "given my pants to a boyscout." Heehee
So anyhow, my Frappucino. Last week, I bought a Frappucino and brought it into work. Upon arrival, I noticed fresh coffee had been made and opted for that instead. I put the Frappucino in the Office Kitchen's fridge. Now, mind you, when I put my Frappucino in the fridge, there was already another present.
I wanted that Frappucino today. Just returned from a hearing involving four motions, three of which I have written since I started here. Although, in fairness, The Boss does some editing. Sometimes more than others. When I was writing one of them, The Boss made a comment to me about how it was a good motion to lose. I asked how it is a good idea to file a "lose motion"? The Boss responded that when you file a motion you totally want granted, it's nice to file a loser around the same time (to ensure they will be argued at the same hearing). That seemed strange and I said so. The Boss came back with, "Well, the Judges like to split them up." The Boss was right. Today's rulings were a split. Of the three I wrote, one was denied. The defense got one. But the "Loser Motion" was granted--which completely suprised me.
So anyhow, we did quite well in terms of the determinnations on the motions. But we lost that one.... the one I spent hours working on and writing during my first week at this job. The first motion I ever wrote was denied. Fortunately, I am not yet licensed, so The Boss got stand before the judge and take the Bench-Slap for me on that one.
Ok, ok -- so I get back to work and go to the fridge. It was then I learned that someone STOLE my Frappucino!!! Can you believe that shit?! The second frappucino was in that damned fridge for weeks. Maybe even months. I don't know whose that one was. But it was a different flavor than mine. So really, how can there be mistake? It's like whoever Frappucino Fridge Guy #1 is was under some strange belief that, by virtue of leaving his Frappucino in the fridge for so long, the thing had replicated iteself under some Coffee-Interest-Accruing law of physics.
I want that Frappucino back. No one has admitted it. And I have never seen anyone here drinking Frappucino. I'll take this to The Boss. And when I do, I will also complain that the variety of coffee flavoring is limited and request some off the wall Toranni flavor that no one will ever use or want. I won't get the new flavor syrup, there's the loser request. But I bet that he will agree that my placing of the Frappucino in the fridge does not constitute the type of intermingling that would turn my Frapuccino into community office property. There will be an intter-office-memo on this.
So anyhow, my Frappucino. Last week, I bought a Frappucino and brought it into work. Upon arrival, I noticed fresh coffee had been made and opted for that instead. I put the Frappucino in the Office Kitchen's fridge. Now, mind you, when I put my Frappucino in the fridge, there was already another present.
I wanted that Frappucino today. Just returned from a hearing involving four motions, three of which I have written since I started here. Although, in fairness, The Boss does some editing. Sometimes more than others. When I was writing one of them, The Boss made a comment to me about how it was a good motion to lose. I asked how it is a good idea to file a "lose motion"? The Boss responded that when you file a motion you totally want granted, it's nice to file a loser around the same time (to ensure they will be argued at the same hearing). That seemed strange and I said so. The Boss came back with, "Well, the Judges like to split them up." The Boss was right. Today's rulings were a split. Of the three I wrote, one was denied. The defense got one. But the "Loser Motion" was granted--which completely suprised me.
So anyhow, we did quite well in terms of the determinnations on the motions. But we lost that one.... the one I spent hours working on and writing during my first week at this job. The first motion I ever wrote was denied. Fortunately, I am not yet licensed, so The Boss got stand before the judge and take the Bench-Slap for me on that one.
Ok, ok -- so I get back to work and go to the fridge. It was then I learned that someone STOLE my Frappucino!!! Can you believe that shit?! The second frappucino was in that damned fridge for weeks. Maybe even months. I don't know whose that one was. But it was a different flavor than mine. So really, how can there be mistake? It's like whoever Frappucino Fridge Guy #1 is was under some strange belief that, by virtue of leaving his Frappucino in the fridge for so long, the thing had replicated iteself under some Coffee-Interest-Accruing law of physics.
I want that Frappucino back. No one has admitted it. And I have never seen anyone here drinking Frappucino. I'll take this to The Boss. And when I do, I will also complain that the variety of coffee flavoring is limited and request some off the wall Toranni flavor that no one will ever use or want. I won't get the new flavor syrup, there's the loser request. But I bet that he will agree that my placing of the Frappucino in the fridge does not constitute the type of intermingling that would turn my Frapuccino into community office property. There will be an intter-office-memo on this.
Memo, Schmemo! You got suckered, and you don't even realize it! Whoever left that old cup of Frap in the fridge left the bait right where you would take it! Seeing an old cup in there for so long, obviously, you felt that you could put one in there and that it would stay there until your return! That false sense of security for your frap was a trap all along, and you fell for it! If you send a memo out about it, you only increase the rating on the prankster-meter and will include everyone in the office (all five) that the prank suckered you.
Raise above it, buy the office a round of Fraps, watch who actually enjoys the beverage, then you know who to set up for the revenge factor. After that, then send the memo.
Rule #1 about memos: Never send them out when you have already been suckered! It only makes you look like a bigger idiot!
P.S. What will you do if it is Boss? It is a good thing you blogged this before you acted!
Good luck! fdejm
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 8:46 PM
Perhaps, I should have read your blog a day earlier....hehehehehe
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 8:47 PM
At least someone is reading your blog!
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 8:56 PM
I hope you hear the Star Wars music when you write the memo.
-Ann, at 2:09 PM
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