I Like this Job - Let's Avoid Suing Eachother.
Went to the deposition of one of our experts with The Boss recently. We met up at the office, and determined that I would drive myself and meet Expert and The Boss at Opposing Counsel's, where the depo was scheduled to take place. (Side Note - Defense Firms, Super-D-Duperly-Sweet-Offices) I headed out to the top floor of the parking garage, where those of us who have monthly parking passes but not reserved spots, are relegated. I got in, checked my bun for strays, applied some chapstick and pulled out.
Driving to the ground level, I turned the corner where Level 3 turns into Level 2. As I turn, this super-sweet Audi pulls out of its parking spot. Kinda quick like. Kinda headed in my direction. Slamming my brakes, I actually had to jump in reverse to avoid getting front-end slammed. I tossed around ideas of horn-honking, name-calling, etc - How dare someone try to smack my sweet Allie the Altima!?!
So the Audi pulls out and heads to the exit. I received no apology wave. I followed the car out and turned left, just like Mr. Audi Man. Stopped at the light behind my would be co-accidenter, the sun provided a better look at the Audi's contents. I realized the driver was The Boss! I thanked everything on this earth that I had restrained myself from making some loud comment or offer to throw down.
The Boss never mentioned the incident. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even realize it happened. I considered making a sarcastic comment once we all met at the depo, but it would be way out of line to call your boss an idiot Arizona driver in front of the hired guns. I kept it to myself. But I have a mental note, in bold, underlined, italicized, brain font: Never drive near The Boss again.
Driving to the ground level, I turned the corner where Level 3 turns into Level 2. As I turn, this super-sweet Audi pulls out of its parking spot. Kinda quick like. Kinda headed in my direction. Slamming my brakes, I actually had to jump in reverse to avoid getting front-end slammed. I tossed around ideas of horn-honking, name-calling, etc - How dare someone try to smack my sweet Allie the Altima!?!
So the Audi pulls out and heads to the exit. I received no apology wave. I followed the car out and turned left, just like Mr. Audi Man. Stopped at the light behind my would be co-accidenter, the sun provided a better look at the Audi's contents. I realized the driver was The Boss! I thanked everything on this earth that I had restrained myself from making some loud comment or offer to throw down.
The Boss never mentioned the incident. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even realize it happened. I considered making a sarcastic comment once we all met at the depo, but it would be way out of line to call your boss an idiot Arizona driver in front of the hired guns. I kept it to myself. But I have a mental note, in bold, underlined, italicized, brain font: Never drive near The Boss again.
Close one, once again your patience and wisdom pays off.
On the other hand I bet you wouldnt mind owning Boss's audi!
Anonymous, at 5:40 PM
Lex, relax. You have already been accepted in the "Lead-Foot Family"! No need to go on bragging about your skills now!
Congrats on talking your way out of that ticket the other day, and today, not talking worked even better!
And you say you don't have your mother's luck! Ha
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 6:18 PM
An excellent anecdote, well told. I especially like the line "checking my bun for strays". I picture you pulling small poodles and assorted mutts out, then sending them on their way.
-Ann, at 11:04 AM
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