Exact Approximations

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Stupid girl.

I've noticed that my brain is not working the way it should. I bet if I took an IQ test, I would score somewhere along the "Socially Retarded" line. I'm guessing I've dropped at least 45 points.

I was talking to CECU last night (yes, I answered the phone), and noticed that in the middle of conversation, I would forget the topic, let alone the many ways in which I disagreed with him. Don't get me wrong, CECU is too smart for his own good - I just like to take the other side of whatever he is arguing and be contrary. I blame this on law school. I was never an argumentative pride-fest before. Family members might disagree, but I stand by this assertion. Anyhow, I know things are bad when I can't even win a silly argument with CECU over the meaning of "delusional"...

So I wonder, why am I all dee-dee-dee? Is it the duffle bags of medication? Side effect of illness? Repercussions of a mind not challenged? (spell check informed me that I spelled repurcussions wrong. Grumble. I changed it. Spell check also says duffle is spelled wrong, but I don't think so, so I'm leaving it as is.)

It's really bugging me. If I were smarter, I would say it's really bothering me.



  • Well you still blog decently, and thats all that matters :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:29 PM  

  • Thanks for saying so, but I must admit, I think I blog way shittier than I used to. I was once really proud of some of my posts, thought I used goood technique and what not. Now, I think I just babble about shit that no one would find interesting but me or people who know me (which might explain th elack of comments from my previous readers who I don't know personally. Except for Arbusto, he has no excuse, he's just a bar-burned-out ass ;)

    By Blogger Lex Fori, at 9:00 PM  

  • You are not getting dee-dee-dee, I am getting smarter! I just ran you in circles the other night.

    FACE :)

    By Blogger Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 8:05 PM  

  • CECU: Nah, you're not getting any smarter. I just wasn't a worthy adversary that day. Don't toot your own horn. Brilliant people aren't supposed to do that


    By Blogger Lex Fori, at 5:50 PM  

  • I got here eventually! I've just been interwebz lazy. I got nothing more to say on this matter, I'm still too bummed about the turban post.

    By Blogger Arbusto, at 8:21 PM  

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