Exact Approximations

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Issue Spotting Lex's Life

I moved into my new apartment this past weekend. Tip to future bar exam takers: don't move a week before the bar exam. I am indescribably exhausted and the whole ordeal made me feel much worse physically than usual. Yesterday, I was doing last minute cleaning in the old house, scrambling to get everything taken care of before the realtor came in for a final walk-through. Trying to clean a counter, I fell over, clutching my stomach, and started wailing like a baby because it hurt so bad. Boyfriend found me, threw me in the car, and rushed me to the hospital. I'm not doing so good.

I'm at work today. I was supposed to get the last two weeks off before the bar, and I get a call Friday telling me I have a motion due this week. Cheese and rice. But I couldn't say no, The Boss is out of state and I can't hit a gift horse in the mouth. Plus, he doesn't know it, but he's paying for my hotel next week while I take the bar. Office Manager went ahead and authorized it - which is good because I was beginning to think I would end up spending the night at rest stops. Yucky, yucky rest stops.

Sorry for lack of regular posting. I have so much going on with the move, the bar and the bad health. I want to have my gallbladder, appendix, tonsils, ovaries, spleen... all the shit you don't need, removed. I figure if it all gets taken out, there's a chance I'll solve this problem. And it's just becoming too much of a problem.


  • Good to hear from you Lex. Glad to know you're mostly not dead. Soon, all will be better.

    By Blogger Arbusto, at 4:42 PM  

  • You've come too far to die! Good luck on the Bar!

    By Blogger wt, at 1:12 PM  

  • Oh dear, hang in there. Good luck on the bar - you'll do fine.

    By Blogger A., at 11:40 AM  

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