Calling All Inventors
Ok, strange request.
Nephew, an eight year old firecracker, lives with me. He has an upcoming school project where he has to invent something with a potato. The potato can be cut, added to, colored, whatever. Unfortunately, with 4 adults in the house, we have only come up with the following:
1) Potato gun / canon / other weapon that might get Nephew suspended.
2) Spud-Spectacles - sticking potato slices in glass-frames and cutting small hole. Similar to early glasses.
3) Potato Helmet - cut potato in half, attach to baseball cap. Maintain safety while you ride to the store to buy real helmet.
4) Potato Ninja Suit - gather potato skins, sew them together, create super-cool ninja-costume suitable for camouflaging oneself in potato patches.
As you can see, we are coming up short. I would love any great ideas.
Nephew, an eight year old firecracker, lives with me. He has an upcoming school project where he has to invent something with a potato. The potato can be cut, added to, colored, whatever. Unfortunately, with 4 adults in the house, we have only come up with the following:
1) Potato gun / canon / other weapon that might get Nephew suspended.
2) Spud-Spectacles - sticking potato slices in glass-frames and cutting small hole. Similar to early glasses.
3) Potato Helmet - cut potato in half, attach to baseball cap. Maintain safety while you ride to the store to buy real helmet.
4) Potato Ninja Suit - gather potato skins, sew them together, create super-cool ninja-costume suitable for camouflaging oneself in potato patches.
As you can see, we are coming up short. I would love any great ideas.
Stick toothpicks in it and throw it at people. So you don't have to put toothpicks in it for that but it'd be more fun.
Carve it out and say it's a raft for your pet mouse.
Make handcuffs for midgets. Or for people who hate veggies.
Invent mashed potatoes.
Arbusto, at 3:54 PM
There's a way to make a clock out of a potato. Or something like that. I remember doing this when I was a kid. (Yeah, I didn't get out much then either.)
Not knowing how many potatos are permitted for this project (or, in fact, if you're allowed to use anything else to supplement the potato) you can also use potatos to make stamps or a rudimentary printing press. Cut a potato in 1/2, carve out bits so that the sticky-out part forms something recognizeable and you have a (rubber) potato stamp.
That's all I've got, fairly obvious and boring stuff. I live in the land of potatos though, maybe divine inspiration will strike me at work today.
-Ann, at 10:56 PM
Sure, Ann, give her real, practical suggestions.
Lex, I see you've got site meter down there. I suggest They give you all kinds of cool graphs and lots of information. Right now, I could probably easily stalk you. Except AZ is so far away when you're trying to stalk someone in Ireland.
Arbusto, at 9:31 AM
So we went with an "Army Training House."
Basically, made a house out of potatoes. Then placed little green army men all over the place. Idea was that these are cheap, building shaped structures that the military can blow up frequently in training, while saving millions for the government. The adults in the house sat around making up reaasons why the whole thing was useful - and figured it was a super-sweet undercover jack at the ridiculousness of the Red-Staters.
Early reports from Nephew's school drop-off indicate that it was a hit.
Arbusto, you will be happy to know that early reports also indicate that one of your ideas made an appearance. There appears to be a 2nd grader out there who has a stockpile of potatoes with pokey things sticking out in ninja-star-esque fashion. Brilliant. Perhaps we should schedule you a play date.
And Ann -- I totally thought of something similiar - only mine was a potato based typewriter. My idea was similiarly taunted. They just don't understand our genius - they just don't. Sigh, the hard, hard life of an underappreciated inventor.
Lex Fori, at 2:22 PM
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