Exact Approximations

Monday, February 06, 2006

Blah Blah Bar Sheep

Dag Nabbit Ian Haney Lopez!!! That was my 1L property professor at Boalt Hall. We did not learn anything about property law. We spent a lot of time on Social Justice issues, and realizing what a small smug arrogant asshole Professor Haney-Lopez can be. But what is a "shifting executory interest" or "fructus industriales and the doctrine of emblements?" Huh...? Mr. Lopez...? Do you even know what that means?!?

Readers can expect to see a ton of bar-exam related posting over the coming weeks.

Today marks my official extended-study period for the Arizona bar exam. I bought PMBR materials from some guy on Craigslist and have been listening to the CDs during my work commute for a couple weeks now. But I hadn't taken any practice MBE questions until today. Uck. I started with a short Torts bunch of 25 questions, missing 7. Clearly, I have some work ahead of me. Fortunately, The Boss has granted me permission to spend half days holed up in the Big Office (the office is #3 on my demand list if I pass the bar and trigger renegotiation). I figure that two weeks of studying 4 hrs a day should be sufficient. I mean, it's not like we're in Cali or NY here. If I can get through the hell that is contracts and property this week, I should be ok.

At least I will be so caught up in the last-minute studying madness, I won't have time to think about how much my family hates me.


  • Bar schmar. Unimportant.

    By Blogger Arbusto, at 8:06 AM  

  • Thppppt.

    I know -- boring and unimportant on the whole. Unfortunately, it temporarily runs my life...


    By Blogger Lex Fori, at 11:02 AM  

  • I've very disheartened to see a lack of comment today on the final list.

    For reparations I demand an itemized response to each piece of information, all 100. Previous comments can be included.

    Haha! I'm a bitch.

    By Blogger Arbusto, at 7:33 PM  

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