Exact Approximations

Friday, February 10, 2006

BJELL - Selling Me Out?

Dear Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law,

Why do I have 5+ spam mails in my CalMail account every day that are sent to the BJELL mail-list? It's totally annoying. Whose fault is this? Did BJELL sell the list is or is just available somewhere for all spammers to easily get hold of. I mean, I'm on the mail lists of a few Boalt organizations, but none get me as much junk mail as yours.

Although true, take none of these allegations to heart. I'm just having a bad day.




  • It's weird. I get a ton of junkmail still from the Jewish Students list and the Creative Law Society. They can't help it, I think. No one is selling the lists. They're just getting hijacked off of yahoo probably. Note sure how it happens.

    By Blogger wt, at 1:44 PM  

  • Bad day: break racquetball strings; old and busted CPU fan; new fan installed, CPU still burns out. Buy new stuff for $276.

    By Blogger Arbusto, at 3:12 PM  

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