Conspiracy Theory Thursday
I randomly stumbled across this website, which is dedicated to convincing the e-world that G-Mail is creepy. If you have a Gmail account like I do (thanks again to Pettifogger), then you are probably familiar with Gmail's email deletion process. Basically, it hardly exists. The service encourages you to archive your messages, and it's privacy policy makes clear that Google reserves the right to retain copies of your mails... it almost reads as indefinitely. In fairness, I'm guessing all the email services do this. But, oh Google, I thought you were on my side.
The Google Privacy Policy also makes clear that your emails may be stored in another country, and I don't know what impact that has on the protection provided emails, but I'm guessing it sucks. Gmail also says that they may transfer all of this information in the event of a merger, sale etc.
So - here's my conspiracy theory:
G-Mail and those damned google geniuses are going to
1) Collect all emails from their users
2) Store them indefinitely
3) Hire a bunch of cronies at their new Arizona office to diligently read and archive said emails.
4) Wait out the protection period
5) Introduce G-Person Beta, the most comprehensive people search device available to date.
When this happens, I will be el-fucko'd. Or at least super-embarrassed....
The Google Privacy Policy also makes clear that your emails may be stored in another country, and I don't know what impact that has on the protection provided emails, but I'm guessing it sucks. Gmail also says that they may transfer all of this information in the event of a merger, sale etc.
So - here's my conspiracy theory:
G-Mail and those damned google geniuses are going to
1) Collect all emails from their users
2) Store them indefinitely
3) Hire a bunch of cronies at their new Arizona office to diligently read and archive said emails.
4) Wait out the protection period
5) Introduce G-Person Beta, the most comprehensive people search device available to date.
When this happens, I will be el-fucko'd. Or at least super-embarrassed....
Yeah, I had a g-mail invitation that I let expire mostly because I was afraid of the marketing/data mining potential of it.
of course, I am stupid and double-standard-y because I have a hotmail account that I use for both my private and my freelance business mail. (This even though I'm married to a Super Geek who has set me up with an email account on his server.)
-Ann, at 11:50 AM
I posted about this a while ago. Not just g-mail but the entirety of google is being used to someday rule the world. It's a subtle conspiracy. I'll see if I can find the post again.
Arbusto, at 12:48 PM
Lex, just think, when you get nominated to the Supreme Court by Chelsea Clinton, you are going to have to explain that born again pagan donation to the boy scouts, ...not to mention this blog! :)
If you ever get nominated to the Supreme Court, we will have to sit by as some stupid-assed fundamentalist senator reads through all of your blog, to try to find out how you think! I would start, but, I don't have time! Lex you are lucky this time!
But, hey, if you play your cards right and suck up to the appropriate future Prez, you could get nominated just like Miers!
Personally, I like what Hamilton had to say in the Federalist Papers, I think it was section 78 or somthing like that...basically, no cronies! No I wouldn't support Miers, just on account of her closeness to W!
Don't worry about Gmail, who cares what we all think anyway! :)
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 7:09 PM
I sent you an important Email...please get back to me ASAP!
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 8:16 AM
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