Exact Approximations

Monday, December 18, 2006

Dazed and Confused

Things around the office feel slightly... awkward.

Republican Paralegal has been uncharacteristically not complaining my ears off.

Front Secretary has been uncharacteristically not listening to me complain her ears off.

The Boss gave me a much needed nod of approval. We received defense counsel's Response to a very important motion today, and when The Boss asked me my thoughts, I conveyed my surprise at how poorly thought-out the Response was. The Boss asked me what I would have written if I were Defense Counsel. I listed things. The Boss smiled. The Boss nodded. Likely meant more to me than he meant to convey. I don't care, I am going to read into that shit all day. I need some God-Damned praise, justified or not. I wanted to go on - because I actually had more good ideas - but The Boss' cell phone rang and I got the "I have to take this..." office walk-out. And another nod.

There are three cases of bomb-ass champagne sitting in the kitchen, waiting to be shipped off as Holiday Gifts from The Boss to various people. I can't find the mail-merge address list. Sucks, I was totally going to slip myself in.


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