Exact Approximations

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Non Job Loss and The Conservative

How many thought I was done blogging? I considered it. Especially after the loss of Fresh Pepper, one of my all time favorite bloggers. Plus, I thought to myself recently, 'Lex, you're just not as good as you used to be. Not really funny anymore, kind of a downer. Just not blogging material.'

Now, all these things remain true. My quality of blogging has plummeted drastically in recent months and my sense of humor died with the Crocodile Hunter (I saw that one coming.) But I'm selfish, I can't give it up, it's a sick, sick addiction that illness and worry and concern about being caught just won't take away.

I'm still sick. I tried to resign from my job last week after going to The Boss in near tears and arguing I just am not well enough to do the quality of work he and the clients need. He declined my resignation and was really supportive - wanting me to get better. That was nice. He offered me an unpaid leave which I declined. I then went on to take five paid days off. In fairness to me, two of them were while I was in the hospital so there wasn't a whole lot I could do about that. Anyhow, we'll see how supportive The Boss is next week when bar results come down and I failed again (I scored two points lower on the MBE this time than I did the first time around - bitch faced whore.)

So today I am off to the doctor demanding a surgery. I need to be out an ovary.

Wow - Paralegal just admitted to me that she is a Bush supporting Iraq war lover. Then she swore me to secrecy and told me never to tell The Boss lest she endure endless jibes. How will I keep such juicy information to myself? Especially in this election season.

*sigh* - It's good to have juice on coworkers. Seriously, The Boss would never let her live it down if he knew she was a Bushie. Even I secretly downgraded the intelligence level I attributed to her prior to this information.


  • Good to see you back. I was running out of blog to look at while I'm slackin at work. Keepin good thoughts for ya'all from the house of reptiles :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:02 PM  

  • She lives! First victory of the week for me.

    By Blogger Arbusto, at 5:10 PM  

  • During your blogging "vacation" we lost the Croc Hunter, Anna Nicole had a baby and lost a son, and Dog the Bounty Hunter was arrested! Craziness comes in threes.

    Glad to see that you are back!

    First and foremost, you have to out her, leak the info like they did with Valerie Blame :) The best way to do this is to call Robert Novak, that way, you might have to go in front of a grand jury, but, .... oh never mind...I have been having too much fun with this upcoming election!

    I think anybody who professes to be a Bush loving war lover is sick! I had a talk with GMR last night, er, arguement. I have to come up with a phrase for that 30-35% of the population that is totally blinded by this administration. It must take into consideration, the christian evangelical angle, the dee dee dee angle, and the fact that they are supporting the lies that this administration has offered as facts: WMD for instance, when the proof is there were none!

    "Bushies" will not do. They tend to wear that as a badge of honor, when it should really be shame. It must be something that even stupid people will understand is derogitory.

    I have been leaning toward "War profiteer" but, the dee dee dee people don't understand that now, and would probably take that as another badge of courage for their efforts in supporting the war! Dee dee dee Yet, they are not really profitting. They are helping run up the huge deficit, that they will have to help pay! But they don't understand.

    Help me with this idea!

    By Blogger Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 4:50 AM  

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