Big Brother
I am screwed if there are video cameras in our building's elevators. I realized today, as I was lifting my skirt to adjust my undrewear, that I could be the laughing stock of a group of overweight security guards somewhere. When I'm alone in an elevator, I lack inhibition to a level similiar to that reached by people alone in their bathroom. I talk to myself, sing, do a little dance, pick my nose, lick my elbow...
I've done pretty much everything but masturbate in that elevator.
I've done pretty much everything but masturbate in that elevator.
Did he mean link or lick?
By Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 5:37 PM
Dude, did you click on 'Anthony The 1337"? What a wack job!
Lick your elbow??? I get the rest, but why in the hell would you need to lick your elbow? I can't even lick mine. I'm seriously! I just tried! Weirdo:)
By Anonymous, at 5:40 PM
Am I missing something, should I click on that net atlantic thread or the Anthony the 1337 thread or neither?
By Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 6:19 PM
Anothony is probably spam of some sort (l337 means "leet" which is computer speak).
I've heard of people licking their elbows. Sadly, this is not the first time.
If you are the laughing stock, it brings some meaning to their pitiful lives (wow, that was elitist sounding).
By Arbusto, at 9:39 AM
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