The Health Update
So I spent a few days in the hospital last week. This included some "minimally invasive" tests that left me feeling like I need to join a support group for violated women.
In the hospital, before I figured out how to disconnect and restart my own IV, I had to come up with good reasons to leave my bed. The best way to do this: say you want to go Chapel to pray. Even if you really just want to go outside and smoke. To maintain my honest integrity, I did make a trip to the chapel. Twice. On the first visit, I made an entry into this book where everyone asks you to pray for their family members that are likely going to die soon. People wrote back that they will, had and would continue to pray for these strangers. I wrote:
For the actual, honest update on what the hospital people found: the endoscopy showed severe stomach inflammation, not unexpected for one experiencing nausea and vomiting as often as I do. There was also apparently a polyp somewhere in my lower gastro-system, likely now sitting on a slide somewhere in a pathologist's lab waiting to be explored. After four days of the madness, I told the hospital people I wanted to go home. I couldn't stand being there anymore. It was awful.
My regular gastroenterologist called me today at home (on a Sunday!!!) to tell me that the hospital had failed to conduct some key studies related to my gallbladder or something. I have more tests scheduled next week. Apparently, the hospital, which opened its doors for admission the day before I came in, was not completely on top of things and left out some key stuff that needs to be done to completely rule-out a major problem.
Cheese and Rice, I am so sick of doctors and hospitals. Which sucks, because I have to go to work tomorrow and deal with doctors and hospitals. Is this a case of life mimicking work or vice-versa...? I dunno. I'm loaded on pain meds. I'm in a lot of pain. I want an answer and a diagnosis and a plan to make everything better. I want to have the strength to write things here worthy of reading - I know my content has been disappointing lately. At least for me it has been, I miss funny Lex. I don't like being sick Lex.
In the hospital, before I figured out how to disconnect and restart my own IV, I had to come up with good reasons to leave my bed. The best way to do this: say you want to go Chapel to pray. Even if you really just want to go outside and smoke. To maintain my honest integrity, I did make a trip to the chapel. Twice. On the first visit, I made an entry into this book where everyone asks you to pray for their family members that are likely going to die soon. People wrote back that they will, had and would continue to pray for these strangers. I wrote:
"I have been an Atheist for as long as I can remember. I find no logical reason to believe. Every rational thought leads me to the answer that the existence of God is ridiculous... something out there watching over us and determining our destiny. I would trade in every moment of my remaining life just to believe in God. Believers, please pray that your God might show himself to me so I can have the solace of knowing equality and rightness exist as it should somewhere, anywhere. If God would make himself known to me in a believable way, I would become his greatest advocate and devote myself to doing all I can to follow his way and help others do the same."I went back to the Chapel the next day to see if anyone had logged their prayers for me. Not one comment. Not one person who said they would devote some of their sacred prayer to my salvation. I guess you have to be in the club for members to help you out.
For the actual, honest update on what the hospital people found: the endoscopy showed severe stomach inflammation, not unexpected for one experiencing nausea and vomiting as often as I do. There was also apparently a polyp somewhere in my lower gastro-system, likely now sitting on a slide somewhere in a pathologist's lab waiting to be explored. After four days of the madness, I told the hospital people I wanted to go home. I couldn't stand being there anymore. It was awful.
My regular gastroenterologist called me today at home (on a Sunday!!!) to tell me that the hospital had failed to conduct some key studies related to my gallbladder or something. I have more tests scheduled next week. Apparently, the hospital, which opened its doors for admission the day before I came in, was not completely on top of things and left out some key stuff that needs to be done to completely rule-out a major problem.
Cheese and Rice, I am so sick of doctors and hospitals. Which sucks, because I have to go to work tomorrow and deal with doctors and hospitals. Is this a case of life mimicking work or vice-versa...? I dunno. I'm loaded on pain meds. I'm in a lot of pain. I want an answer and a diagnosis and a plan to make everything better. I want to have the strength to write things here worthy of reading - I know my content has been disappointing lately. At least for me it has been, I miss funny Lex. I don't like being sick Lex.
Lex, I am so sorry to hear about your health - AGAIN! Glad we got to talk the other day.
As for your trip to the chapel. Now that was funny! I find your comments about believing or lack there of, and only getting prayers if you are "in the club" so true!
However, it is not the "club" that you want to belong to, but, the need to believe in "something!" We all have to find our own "God"! Religions have a knack for substituting their dogma god for your true spiritual God! Once you release yourself from the man-made highly conditional love(read - dogma) of any particular religion you can focus on what "God" is to you! Your desire to believe in a God is genuine and I believe, a defining moment for you.
However, I detect some dogma from prior experiences of dabbling in religion. The tell tale sign is your reference to God with the masculine pronouns, he, his, himself, etc. Most religions which refer to God in the masculine, are filled with outdated dogma and ritual and are highly oppressive. I don't believe in those types of "gods" either.
This is only a suggestion...but..if you want to find your God, start within yourself, and ask yourself, what makes sense? Like laws of gravity and electricity, some things are very obvious yet can't be seen. So how do you start to relate to this god? That is up to you, but, as you go down this path, your logic skills will soon take you into areas which are highly logical and believable. Yet, what you believe now is nothing. So, somewhere you must start your own journey.
Think of it this way, if you were working on an electical circuit, how would you know when you are doing something right, as compared to something wrong? When the light goes on or you get shocked! Your light wants to go on! Learn how to flip the switch and avoid getting burned!
Enough for now.
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 4:08 PM
Coming from a Pastor (me) this may sound like a trap but i promise it is not. i have enjoyed your honesty in your Blogs and would be happy to pray for you, and i will in a general way since i do not know what's going on... but anyhoo you said "If God would make himself known to me in a believable way"... what do you seek do you know? I mean a sign? a voice? a miracle? any idea?
just curious... Scott
Unknown, at 8:22 PM
Ah CECU, ever the philosopher. As for the male references, that was directed more at the people who would read my entry more than anything else. If I did believe in a God, a gendered God would make no sense to me. Further, I think the fundametal premise you are missing is that - sure, I could believe in energies and dispersing within them and on and on - but that means nothing to me if there is no retention of identity. First, I don't even believe that. I know many people who think that when you die, your spirit becomes part of a greater energy mass - but it's not at all "you" in the sense of your consciousness and memories. To me, that's the same as being put into the ground coffinless and becoming fertilizer, it doesn't make me that much happier about death. To be meaningful to me, the "God" or "afterlife" would need to be something that means I get to be reunited with loved ones after death, that I get to check in on Daughter and her children and their children. I would like to carry my experiences with me for all eternity and know them. Be able to picture them. I know, I know, I need to find a way to get someone to turn me into a vampire.
R. Scott Bunnell...
Are you the same person who used to read so long ago? If so, I am shocked that you still check in here. Wow.
I am looking for a sign that cannot be rationalized as anything other than God. A tall order, I know. Ideally, God would come and give me some "here child, see my wisdom" speech. Or an angel, I'll take an angel. I just don't think that anything less than direct communication could convince me.
All this said, I am ok with being an atheist. I don't need a God to appreciate being Alive. I guess what I would like to believe in God for is to better appreciate being Dead. I would like to maintain my identity indefinitely, but I attribute that desire to a human vanity that wants to be part of everything, forever. I find meaning in knowing I am a small part of something larger than myself (the forever ongoing evolution of the universe). As an athesist, my biggest hurdle is to detach myself from that desire of wanting to wash over the world and be part of it all rather than letting the world wash over me and letting it be part of all of me. They are two very different things in my mind. I'm quite fortunate to be a human, rather than a blade of grass or Daughter's tortoise that died last week. Even if I have cancer and die in a year, I will still be fortunate for the life I have lived. To me, the afterlife is the effect you have on others and the ways they carry your impact with them. If I can show someone what it is like to really care about people, to really love - and they take that with them and pass it on to others... Wow. That is spiritual to me. To contribute to the evolution, to give something that others will take with them, that should be all I need. As I said, it's the human vanity I'm trying to let go of in my youth.
I don't expect that any amount of anyone's prayers could make God appear to me, as I don't believe that God can truly exist. But to R. Scott & other believers, I respect your faith and am mildly jealous of the solace it must bring.
As an atheist, every wrong I committ, I must make right in this life. I must come as close to being a "good" person as I can during this short life. I can't turn away from the horrors of our world because I have the fall back belief that the weak will inherit the Earth. Because I don't believe in God or the afterlife, THIS life is what I have to make my heaven. I'm doing the best I can to make that happen.
Lex Fori, at 8:51 PM
EDIT: "because I know that the [meek] will inherit the Earth."
My bad.
Lex Fori, at 8:54 PM
Sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope you feel better soon. I am a heathen-lapsed-ala-carte-Catholic, so I am not good on the prayer front. But maybe if my dad is reading, he will put in a good word for you with The Big Guy.
Take care.
PS - We miss Funny Lex too, but we'll take Sick Lex, so long as there is a Lex out there.
-Ann, at 1:59 AM
I'm with everything Ann said except my dad can't do any prayers for you. He's a slacker.
As to God, I saw in your entry you said God controls our destiny. Does God have to? I don't believe God does. Look up deism. If I had to classify myself, that's where I'd be. None of this "It's part of God's plan" stuff for me.
Arbusto, at 10:29 AM
Way to go Arbusto - Deism Lives! That is how I look at it anyway! Similar to the forefathers of this country! True Thinkers!
Anyway, Lex, I am still hearing dogma in your thoughts about the afterlife. What makes you think that you won't be able to reunite with loved ones? What makes you think that you won't be able to check in with Daughter and all of your grandchildren?
You mention that "To be meaningful to me, ...". With that phrase, I see you experiencing your life from a truly human experience.
Personally, I like to think of this same thought from a different perspective.
"I am not a human seeking the spiritual experience, but, I am spirit experiencing the human existence." With this phrase, you can see the difference in perspective. It is knowing that spirit exist, and I and spirit are one, that the human experience hides that truth from us. Some may not see this as a truth, and that is their perception/opinion and they are entitled to it.
Your atheist perception is valid, until you really start to ask that famous question "Why?" Why am I here? Why me? Why am I asking these questions? etc...
Knowing how sharp your mind is, I am surprised that you have not tackled this mental puzzle yet. Many think it a waste of time, and fall back on what others tell them...namely religion!
Remember, it is easier to believe than to think and that is why there are more believers in the world than thinkers!
However, you have the mental and logical skills to solve this human existence puzzle! Anybody who has figured out the Rubic's Cube, should enjoy this puzzle!
Me thinks you just like to argue the religion dogma intelligence of most wannabe thinkers. Yes, it is fun, but, at some point, it will start to bore you, and then you will start to really think! In the meantime, atheism is a perfectly good position to take in this debate.
And I enjoy debated it with you! I need to keep my debating skills sharp also, you know :) (wink)
Crazy East Coast Uncle, at 10:50 AM
Damnit - I just types the longest response to CECU's comment and had to delete it b/c The Boss came in my office and literally was looking over my shoulder at my computer screen!!! Closest call I've ever had here. Darnit, so much content lost.
Anyhow, CECU, I'll respond later - your comment leaves much to address....
Lex Fori, at 1:43 PM
Lex, try "alt+tab" or "windows button + down"
The first moves to another open program, so you can have word or westlaw running. The second minimizes everything. It's easier to hide things.
Arbusto, at 2:42 PM
There is only 1 of me that i know of. So yes, i guess so. It has been a while since i commented but i am still out here :-)
Unknown, at 7:18 PM
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