Exact Approximations

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Prospectively Bad Day

Hmm... So, late on Tuesday afternoon, The Boss asked me to take a shot at writing a Settlement Conference Memo. I was not real farmiliar with the case and spent 12 hours yesterday reviewing disclosure statements, depositions, things meant to get me up to speed. I arrived in the office at 6:00am this morning, and am just now beginning to write. I'm not feeling very comfortable about the assignment. I get the feeling these things run 20+ pages, and I have 2+ paragraphs. Mmmrf.

On another bad note, I was informed yesterday that my phone bill from my previous residence in Berkeley, California is about to be sent to collections. Those jerks wouldn't even let me set up a payment plan, which is the first thing collections will do. Cheese and Rice. This will severely impede my plans to get a car. Severely impeded car plans are really bad because, as it stands, I am getting up every morning at 4:30 to take my roomate brother to work. This has left me perpetually exhausted and I don't know how long I can keep it up. Need to find a way to come up with $676.94 in two days. Any suggestions?


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