Exact Approximations

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm a (Kinda) Smart One

Your IQ Is 130

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

Your General Knowledge is Above Average
Thanks out to Hufflin n Puffin, who posted her reslts on her blog, Angry Little Iowa Law Student. The funny thing about my results is the whole below average logical intelligence... I always thought that was my strongest quality. And math, well, as I've said. 5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions, and I am leading up that pack.
So I guess I'm an illogical math genius. Kinda Lame.
In other news, I just saved a ton of money on my auto insurance with Geico.


  • Lex, you left yourself wide open on this one...

    Now why doesn't that surprise me.

    A new/future lawyer. Hmmmm...Does this mean you can verbalize about the general info in a wonderful manner (kind of like a politician) and charge people up the kazoo, but logically, you don't know crap. Yes, Lex...This is you!

    CEU :) Your turn!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:18 AM  

  • Yup. The logic I use to reach most of my conclusions is beyond faulty. Doesn't matter too much since people assume I'm right just because I word-whore the multisyllabics and do math like Rainman.

    If I have below-average logic capabilities - who does that put me in the same class as.... Golly, maybe I should be a politician.

    By Blogger Lex Fori, at 10:42 AM  

  • I've always sucked at logical reasoning and spatial relations. On my LSAT, my verbal/reading comprehension sections were perfect. On the logical/reasoning section, I consistently missed 1/2 the questions. No top tier law school for me.

    Glad to see you're blogging regularly again.

    By Blogger -Ann, at 9:49 AM  

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