Star Wars III Has Officially Arrived
I know because I was stuck in an incredibly long line at a coffee shop today. Coffee Shop is near a movie theater - a movie theater playing only Star Wars on every screen. Resultingly, there were long lines in all nearby stores - like the weekend before Christmas. I experienced something I have only ever felt once before in my life: the eerie feeling of entering into a public space and hearing everybody talk about the same thing. This happened to me on 9/11 and it absolutely blew my mind.
Anyhow, today wasn't eerie, so much as completely weird. I glanced at a middle aged man dressed up as a Jedi. Down to the boots and all. Wow. Out of hand. There were Leah buns everywhere. The fans surrounded me; I had to try so hard not to overhear anything about the movie plot. I mean, I usually love Star Wars as much as the next guy, but not as much as the guys next to me at that very moment.
So - there it is. Star Wars has arrived. This is related to my life personally because I hear the Star Wars theme music when I get in The Zone. I remember walking into 1L Moot Court... It starts slowly in my head... first, the intro music [dun, dun, dun.... dun... da-dun.... dun... da-dun.] It gets louder and louder as go time approaches and then busts out, full force, super-loud. In my head. All in my head. [DUH-DUH-DUH-DAAAAAA-DUN]. I also heard the Star Wars music in my head before finals, interviews and divorce negotiations. When I was in the dumps earlier this semester and talking to the Doctor about it, I said "I just can't hear the Star Wars music anymore." Doctor thought I was nuts, but the point got across. I've had a hard time getting myself in the mental place required of the Star Wars Music Motivation - I'm hoping that with advertising and coffee shop experiences like today - I won't be able to avoid my musical muse much longer.
Anyhow, today wasn't eerie, so much as completely weird. I glanced at a middle aged man dressed up as a Jedi. Down to the boots and all. Wow. Out of hand. There were Leah buns everywhere. The fans surrounded me; I had to try so hard not to overhear anything about the movie plot. I mean, I usually love Star Wars as much as the next guy, but not as much as the guys next to me at that very moment.
So - there it is. Star Wars has arrived. This is related to my life personally because I hear the Star Wars theme music when I get in The Zone. I remember walking into 1L Moot Court... It starts slowly in my head... first, the intro music [dun, dun, dun.... dun... da-dun.... dun... da-dun.] It gets louder and louder as go time approaches and then busts out, full force, super-loud. In my head. All in my head. [DUH-DUH-DUH-DAAAAAA-DUN]. I also heard the Star Wars music in my head before finals, interviews and divorce negotiations. When I was in the dumps earlier this semester and talking to the Doctor about it, I said "I just can't hear the Star Wars music anymore." Doctor thought I was nuts, but the point got across. I've had a hard time getting myself in the mental place required of the Star Wars Music Motivation - I'm hoping that with advertising and coffee shop experiences like today - I won't be able to avoid my musical muse much longer.
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